Electronic Configuration of Atoms. It is the distribution or representation of electrons into different shells, subshells and orbitals of an atom. On the basis of the formula i.e 2n² where n is the principle shell, we can write electronic configuration of atoms in shells i.e K, L, M, N ... 1st shell K contains 2 electrons as n=1 , 2n¹=2 х 1²=2. 2nd shell L contains 8 electrons as n=2, 2n²=2 x 2² = 8 3rd shell M contains 18 electrons as n=3, 2n³=2 x 3² = 18 and so on. The order of electronic configuration becomes 2, 8, 18, 32... But for orbitals s, p, d, f... we should have a little bit knowledge of some rules i.e Aufbau principle, Pauli's Exclusion Principle and Hund's rule of maximum multiplicity. etc the electronic configuration of any orbital can be simply represented as nlˣ n= number of the principle shell l= subshell or orbital x= number of electrons in that orbital. Aufbau Principle states that orbitals are successively fi...
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